Latest Past Events

Community Table: Your Child’s Place

Main Street Farmers Market 139 S Main St, Washington

Your Child’s Place is a specialized pediatric childcare center for infants and children who demand skilled nursing care while their parents or caregivers are at work or school. Our Registered Nurses and Child Care professionals care for serious ongoing illness or chronic conditions that require constant or periodic medical treatment or the use of medical […]

Debbi Pace

Main Street Farmers Market 139 S Main St, Washington

Joining us for her fourth Market Season, singer-songwriter Debbi Pace is looking forward to performing again, and promises to share some new songs with us this summer. She will probably bring some musically inclined friends along too.

Community Table: Center for Organ Recovery and Education (C.O.R.E.)

Main Street Farmers Market 139 S Main St, Washington

Nearly 115,000 people across the nation are waiting for a life-saving transplant. One person can save the lives of as many as eight people. One individual can improve the lives of as many as 75 people through tissue donation. Be a hero.

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